East Africa

Fine Art exposé | Ngorongoro + Lake Natron

When most people think of Africa, they picture elephants, lions and zebra. True, these majestic animals are often common sights here, but modern-day Africa is home to so much more than wildlife. 

I love Africa. It is a beautiful continent comprised of myriad cultures, languages, and traditions. However, a volatile political climate often surrounds its abundant natural resources, impacting native peoples and wildlife indiscriminately. I wanted to document the real Africa — not what you see on wildlife specials.

These images were taken on a medium-format film Hasselblad camera as part of a passion-driven fine art project in East Africa. I hoped to provide a glimpse into illegal gold mining in Ngorongoro, bush meat-poaching in Lake Natron, as well as the lives of the Sonja and Maasai people — groups tied to the land, and thus most affected by regional turmoil.